Driver Guidance with Regards to Protests
When encountering a protesters, the number one priority is safety. Please take proper precautions when operating in protest areas.
• Immediately report any emergency situation to local law enforcement by calling 911.
• Exercise caution when in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations.
• Plan for road closures.
• Try to make deliveries in areas of unrest during the day, at night park in well-lit, safe areas.
• Assess every situation prior to exiting the cab of your truck. If danger or exposure to large gatherings in the form of protest exist, abort delivery operations.
• Always keep doors locked and windows closed. Remove keys from unattended vehicles and ensure trailer locking and latching mechanisms are functioning properly.
• If you encounter a gathering, stop your vehicle and do not drive through. Avoid any interaction and do not provoke the group.
• If available, utilize your in-cab camera in an unsafe situation to document your surroundings.
• Maintain continuous contact with your dispatcher and safety department for specific operating procedures and follow company policy.
Contact VFDA at 802-223-7750 and we can help handle any media inquiries.
This guidance document was created with the assistance of the Propane Gas Association of New England (PGANE), the American Trucking Associations, ATA Safety Management Council (SMC) and the ATA Transportation Security Council (TSC).